Sunday, February 8, 2015

Missed two whole years??

Wow,  Apparently I was distracted last two years.  I skipped blogging for two entire years.  How sad...  That's what happens when your work life gets in the way of what you like to do.

Well, I'm back in the saddle again.  Been unable to build rods for the past year due to many life changes that have come and gone, but it looks like that's about to change.

Several things have changed about me over the past two years.  First, I took on a job as an IT Manager and I can safely say that this experience changed my life.   Second, during the year of 2013 I was not only learning how to manage, I made a commitment to fish as often as possible so I could become successful at bass fishing. I spent so much time fishing that I forgot everything except my job and fishing.  Needless to say, through the failures, I got good at it.  Fishing 2-3 times a week will do that for ya!  Now it's a rare day when I go out and don't catch anything.  Usually it's those winter days where I make a mistake on the weather patterns.

Unfortunately all this meant I had no time for rod building.  However, I've set a couple of new records for fish size... and though it's still not what I'd like it to be, it's improving. 

For instance, my wife and I went fishing a couple weeks ago at near Mason on the Llano river at a new area.  Did surprisingly well considering the solunar calendar said it was a bad day.  Caught 2 19in bass with one of them being 3 lbs.  This is a personal record for me as while I have caught fish in the 21-22in range, none of them weighed over 2 lbs!

Here you go!

We are going back out there tomorrow as it's supposed to be an awesome day - 78 degrees and ***calm***

Another pic from several weeks ago when fishing on the upper Llano lake in Llano...  Notice that you can see the bottom in the water.  The water was crystal clear and at 8ft down you could see every detail plain as day.  Actually made it hard to fish.

Maybe I'll do a write up of all the things I learned along the way.  Kinda wish I'd kept a journal but I think I can remember all the important things.

That's all for now...  See you on the flip side!


Remember, when it comes to fishing...  "See you on the flip side" has a completely different meaning...  :)

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